4. sayfa (Toplam 5 sayfa)

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 31 Ağu 2015, 20:51
gönderen Gariban
Er Rahmân Esmâsı zuhur eden insan, bütün beşeriyetin ızdırabı karşısında acı duyar, göz yaşı döker...
The human being who experiences the manifestation of the Name , "Ar-Rahman" feels the pain of the whole humanity and sheds tear for that...

[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), Voice Cassettes]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 28 Eyl 2015, 22:48
gönderen Gariban

Evil word is similar to a wild plant, it even grows without watering…
Good word is like a flower, it demands to be taken care of meticulously.

Kötü söz, yabani ota benzer, sulamadan'da biter...
İyi söz, çiçek gibidir, çok itina ile bakılmak ister.

[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki I ]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 02 Eki 2015, 00:57
gönderen Gariban

Woe to that human being whose fire of faith has burned out.
He was born in the house of Allah (Ka’abah) and died in the house of idols…

Yazık o insana ki içindeki îmân ateşi sönmüştür.
Kâbe'de doğup puthanede ölmüştür....

[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki I ]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 15 Eki 2015, 02:04
gönderen Gariban
It is foolishness not to have doubt about something that is to be doubted and to have doubt about something that is not to be doubted… [Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Water- II ]

Şüphe edilecek, şeyden şüphe etmemek, şüphe edilmeyecek şeyden şüphe etmek ahmaklıktır....

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 13 Ara 2015, 16:15
gönderen Gariban

"The one, who becomes friends with the cloud, doesn't need water from the watergivers..."
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A friend of ALLAH says that, Volume II]

"Bulutla arkadaş olanın sakîlerın suyuna ihtiyacı yoktur..."
[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki, Cilt II]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 14 Ara 2015, 22:31
gönderen Gariban

"Any thing that you can imagine in the universe is possible"
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A friend of Allah says that, Volume V ]

"Kâinâtta düşünebildiğiniz her şey mümkündür..."

[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki, C.5]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 29 Ara 2015, 00:58
gönderen Gariban

Crying is the worship (ibadat).
Beware of it! Crying is the state of intensity (peak point) in showing humility towards the TRUTH (HAQQ).

[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A friend of Allah says that, Volume I ]

Ağlamak, ibâdettir.
Ağlamak, dikkat buyurun, HAKK'a karşı tevazu’ göstermenin şiddet hâlidir.

[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki, C.I]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 02 Oca 2016, 12:11
gönderen Gariban
Do not break your self (Nafs) so much, there are also some things that it will get in this world.
Nefsini çok kırma, onun da dünyada bâzı alacakları vardır.

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 11 Oca 2016, 00:01
gönderen Gariban

They say “Heart”. What is this?
Heart is the name of getting connected to the One who is the Truth.
Don’t forget that!..
Contemplate on this . What do we mean?
Don’t think that you understood it straight away!..
To ask from Allah with that heart becomes the biggest worship.
Don’t forget that this worship is to reach that purity of asking.
Even if the door of ALLAH (God) seems to be closed, ALLAH does not return the bowl in his hand empty, If one asks (applies) from Him with elbow grease.
To think contrarily is “Kufr
There is no dirty type of elbow grease.
Listen to it.
Do not dirty it.

[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A friend of Allah says that, Volume II ]

[*] Kufr: Kufr is translated as disbelief in to english language but it comes from the term ‘kafara’ which means to cover. Kufr is to cover the Truth within the essence of a person by his bashariyyat or disbelief. The Qur’an uses the word kufr to denote a person who covers up or hides realities, one who refuses to accept the dominion and authority of Allāh. When a person shows disbelief to the truth within his own essence, he ignores this reality by saying I am an independent person and I do whatever I like, I do not have a creator and there is nothing within my essence than my self. He says I am Ar-Rabb. When he does this, he does not carry out the activities and duties in islam which is going to help him to bring out the Truth within himself. That is why this person will cover the Truth within his own essence and will become kafeer. This action is called Kufr. When one is pleased with this condition within himself (in his own nafs) and within the others in society is also in kufr. Because Allah is not pleased with “kufr” which is mentioned in

Qur’an Al-Zumar [39/7]:

If ye reject (Allah), truly Allah hath no need of you; but He liketh not ingratitude (Kufr) from His servants: if ye are grateful, He is pleased with you. No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another. In the End, to your Lord is your Return, when He will tell you the truth of all that ye did (in this life). For He knoweth well all that is in (men’s) hearts.[/color][/size]

“Gönül” derler nedir bu.
Gönül, Hakk olana bağlanmanın ismidir.
Bunu unutma!..
Düşün, ne demek istiyoruz.
Hemen anladığını sanma!..
Bu gönül ile ALLAH'tan istemek en büyük ibâdet olur.
İbâdet, bu isteme temizliğine kavuşmak olduğunu unutma.
ALLAH'ın kapısı kapalı gibi görünürse de alınteri ile müracaat edenin
elindeki kabı boş çevirmez.
Aksini düşünmek küfürdür.
Alın terinin kirlisi yoktur.
Onu dinle!..
Yalan, haram ile kirletme.

[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki, C.II]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 20 Oca 2016, 23:35
gönderen Gariban

The world is the veil to the hereafter (akhirat).
And plunging into the hereafter (akhirat) is the veil to the world and the Owner of the other world.
Being engrossed in the creation separates (us) from the Creator.
Whatever creation you lose your heart to, you will have curtain off from your spirit window…

[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A friend of Allah says that, Volume I ]

Dünya âhirete perdedir.
Âhirete dalmak ise dünya ve öbür âlemin Sahibine perdedir.
Yaradılmışlara dalmak, Yaratan'dan ayırır.
Hangi yaratığa gönül kaptırırsan ruh pencerene perde çekmiş olursun...

[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki, C.I]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 21 Oca 2016, 22:38
gönderen Gariban

If you loose your heart to the World, exalted station (maqam) of your Lord (Ar-RaBB) goes behind the veils and the spiritual air doesn’t blow towards you.

[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A friend of Allah says that, Volume I ]

Kalbinizi dünyaya kaptırırsanız, Rabbinizin yüce makamı perdeler arkasına girer, ruhanî hava tarafınıza esmez.

[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki, C.I]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 28 Şub 2016, 22:09
gönderen Gariban

Good (Khair) is gathered over two words.
To know the command (amr) of ALLAH as supreme and to show compassion to His slaves (abd)...

[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A friend of Allah says that, Volume I ]

Hayır, iki kelime üzerinde toplanmıştır..
ALLAH'ın emrini yüce bilmek ve kullarına şefkat göstermek...
[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki, C.I]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 06 Mar 2016, 16:33
gönderen Gariban

The one who is not able to sense the inner worlds of the people and some of their states with the TRUTH (HAQQ), can not show reverence to them...
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A friend of Allah says that, Volume I ]

İnsanların iç âlemlerini, HAKK ile olan bazı hâllerini sezmeyen onlara hürmet edemez...
[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki, C.I]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 02 Nis 2016, 22:30
gönderen Gariban

Lime is the stone,
Water is the water.
But water dissolves it,
Water is soft,
Stone is hard,
You too should become soft.
Hard ones will kneel down in front of you sooner or later.
Patience is the trick of the one having no trick.
Be patient….
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s)]

Kireç taştır,
Su da sudûr,
Fakat su onu eritir,
Su yumuşaktır,
Taş serttir,
Sen de yumuşak ol.
Sertler, geç de olsa önünde diz çöker.
Sabır, hilesi olmayanın hilesidir.
Sabırlı ol....
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s)]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 05 Nis 2016, 01:42
gönderen Gariban
Would you know!
When the mountain gives up its ego (I'ness), It becomes a desert...

Bilir misin!
Dağ benliğinden geçti mi sahra olur. [Allah Dostu Derki Cilt 1]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 14 Nis 2016, 00:30
gönderen Gariban

Death rejoices the faithful one, frightens the disbelievers (ahl-i kufr) and scares the hypocrites (munafiqun).[ Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A Friend of ALLAH says that, V.1]

Ölüm; iman sahibini sevindirir, küfür ehlini ürkütür, münafıkları korkutur.

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 01 May 2016, 14:45
gönderen Gariban

If you make the Light (Noor) of Rasulullah manifest in your face, you don't get angry.
In fact , to get angry is not a work of a muslim. Patiently, patience after getting angry at someone..
Mim jimila min jumuhu min jamihi qudratihi.
If you restrain your anger by holding its bridle, that is not a patience.
That is not a patience, that is to press on brake my son.
The thing is going and that means to press on brake when he realised that it will turn over. That is for your self!..
The patience is to be able to look softly and compassionately at someone, in spite of all his bad/ill manners. That is patience.
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman, Tekmil sohbetleri]

Resûlullah’ın Nurunu yüzünde tecellî ettirirsen kızmazsın.
Zâten kızmak İslam işi değildir. Birine kızmanın peşinde sabırla, sabır..
Min cimile min cumuhu min câmihi kudretihi.
Gemleriyle tutarsan hiddetini, hiddetini, o sabır değildir.
O sabır değildir. O frene basmak demektir oğlum.
Şey gidiyor, baktı ki yuvarlanacak, frene basmak demektir. O kendin için.
Sabır, karşındakinin bütün edebsizliğine karşı hilmi şefkatle bakabilmektir. Sabır budur!.

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 29 May 2016, 22:09
gönderen Gariban

Acting as if doesn't know, although one knows it (affected ignorance), and to seem as if knows, although one doesn't know, is the most distinctive quality of our age...
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A Friend of ALLAH says that Volume II]

Bildiği hâlde bilmemezlikten gelmek, bilmediği hâlde bilir görünmek asrımızın mümeyyiz vasfıdır...
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki II.Cilt]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 16 Haz 2016, 02:57
gönderen Gariban
Keeping the stomach empty is the lock of the treasures of the wisdom (hiqmat) and spiritual world…
Inner (Batin:Unmanifested) heart fountains will spring up by the blessing of the hunger and fasting…
By this , you can see in a piece of brick much more than what everyone can see in the mirror…

[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s)]

Mideyi boş bırakmak, hikmet ve manevî âlem hazinelerinin kilididir…
Bâtın gönül pınarları açlık ve oruç bereketi ile fışkırır…
Bununla herkesin aynada gördüklerinden daha fazlasını bir tuğla parçasında görebilirsin…

[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Derki C.2]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 07 Ağu 2016, 18:52
gönderen Gariban
"Öküzün rengini dışından, insanın rengini içinden ara oğlum..." [Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Ses Kayıtları 61-62]
" Seek for the colour of cows from outside, and the colour of human being from inside my son!" [Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Voice Records 61-62]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 16 Eki 2016, 13:48
gönderen Gariban

The world and knowledge of Oneness (Tawheed) are to those who don’t possess the love of the world (Hubb-e-Dunya)… [Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A Friend of ALLAH says that Volume 1]

Tevhid âlemi ve ilmi, dünya sevgisi taşımayanlaradır...

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 26 Eki 2016, 02:49
gönderen Gariban
The one who possess faith (iman) can not find comfort until he/she reaches to the Creator…
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A Friend of ALLAH says that Volume 1]

İman sahibi, Yaradan'a kavuşuncaya kadar rahat yüzü göremez...
[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Derki C.1]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 28 Kas 2016, 01:30
gönderen Gariban

Friends of ALLAH (Walees) watch ALLAH.
Rasuls watch the people through ALLAH by means of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam)
This word expresses a very delicate state.
Try to solve this, then your eyes will open.
They open in a way that you can not even see your self...

[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), A Friend of ALLAH says that Volume 1]

Velîler ALLAH'ı seyrederler.
Resûlullah yardımı ile Resûller ALLAH'dan halkı seyrederler.
Bu lâf çok ince bir hâli ifâde eder.
Bunu çözmeğe çalışın, gözleriniz açılır.
Hem de nasıl açılır.
Kendinizi bile göremezsiniz.
[Prof.Dr.Münir Derman (k.s), Allah Dostu Der ki , C.I]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 29 Ara 2016, 12:50
gönderen Gariban

Sublimity of every thing is at low. Don’t look at heights, all particles (Juzz) become whole (Küll) by this.
Her şeyin yüceliği alçaktadır. Yükseklere bakma, bununla bütün cüzü’ler küll olur.
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), Kenzul Hakika ]

Re: WORDS FROM THE ESSENCE by Dr.Munir DERman(k.s)

Gönderilme zamanı: 30 Ara 2016, 09:37
gönderen Gariban
If you give everything to the path of the Truth , the Truth will come near you. Clean and purify your self from everything then when you reach to that cleanliness (purification), God will welcome you.
Her şeyi Hak yoluna verirsen Hak senin yanına gelecektir. Her şeyden temizlen arın, bu temizliğe erişince Tanrı gelsin seni karşılasın.
[Prof.Dr.Munir Derman (k.s), Kenzul Hakika ]