1. sayfa (Toplam 1 sayfa)


Gönderilme zamanı: 01 Şub 2012, 14:28
gönderen Gariban


“SAYRÂN” [1] is at the ridge of “SIRAT”! [2] While my Fear and Hope are CALLing out.
“The ARSH” [3] is in the climate [4] of “Astawá” [5], While LISTENing to the troubles of “DAWRÂN”
My SOUL (NAFS) starts to do the Seven DANCES in the motions of Seven Colours
“SÛR” [6] is blown in from Seven PLACEs! While Seven SUBTLETIES (LATAIFS) are WAILing!..

Kul Ihvani
15.02.19 19:48



Dawran (Arabic): Circulation, cycle, world of matters, city of matters, life of world. Dawr means to circulate around a fixed point. DawrAN means to make that circulation in a Moment,“AN”. All creation created in “AN” is circulating around the Nur-u-Mim (Light of mim) which is the central point where divine manifestations occur. DawrAN is to know that you are in tasbihat with both particle (Zarra: Atom) and sphere (Kurra).

Sayran (Arabic): to be watching around and moving around. Sayr (a): An Arabic term meaning going, moving around, walking, making motion. In Tasawwuf, making sayr means to watch the dawran and to ascertain the origin and the fact of material (ashya). Term “SayrAN” is to watch the “AN”.

Jawlan (Arabic): not being able to stop and moving around. Making Tawaf in “AN”. Tawaf means to circle around the Kaaba. This is like your jugular vein, being in infinite dancing state and resonance with the ONE who is closer (yakîn) than the center of the Aqdas of Nur-u Mim .

Hayran (Arabic): to be filled with admiration, admirer, fan.In tasawwuf, it is to participate to sha’an in “AN” and live just as much as a lightening strikes.

Sayran looks at the Dawran and Jawlan looks at the Hayran.
Sayran is “Rahimi”, related to Rahim,
Jawlan is “Rahmani”, related to Rahman.

[2] at the ridge of SIRAT: Sırat Originally means “a road”; it also means the bridge that will be laid across hell-fire for the people to pass over on the Day of Judgment. It is described as sharper than a sword and thinner than a hair. The ridge of SIRAT like the sharp ridge of a sword.

[3] Arsh: Divine Throne. Highest floor of the heaven. Exalted station. Manifestation place for Allah’s Power (Qudrat), Exaltedness and Sovereignity (Saltanat). Arsh encompasses the Universe, and Allah’s power, and knowledge (ilm) encompasses everything.

[4] Climate: It is a climate-region-land where a work is occurring. It is a placeless transition “climate-region“ which is between the place and the placeless (MaKâN- Lâ MaKâN). Perception of place for the mind. This is a state and difficult to explain with words.

[5] Astawá:
This term is used in the Qur’an in various verses and it is a difficult term to describe in English. For instance we can see its use in following verse in the Qur’an:
الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى
Ar-Raĥmānu `Alá Al-`Arshi Astawá
The Beneficent One, Who is established on the Throne [ At-Taha, (20/5)]

Astawa is used in the literature in the following meanings:
1. Being Equal. Being at the Level.
2. Itidal (Balance), istiqamat (direction) and Stability
3. Firmness of “Kamâl”.
4. To rise and to be High and Superior.
5. To overrun, to spread over, to invade.
Kul Ihvani said it is the most difficult term of Tasawwuf!..

[6] Sur (Sûr): The angelic trumpet which ends worldly time and history and inaugurate the Day of Resurrection when it is blown in to on the day of resurrection by Angel Israfil (Raphael). It has been related in a Hadith about the Sur, on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that it is a huge horn that has a circumference as large as the heavens and the earth. The angel Israfil will blow into it.

Turkish Original:

ZEVK 3505

SIRATın Sırtında SEYRÂN! Korkum Umudum ÜNLErken
ARŞ İstiva İkliminde, DEVRÂNın Derdin DİNLErken
Yedi Rengin cünbüşünde, Yedi RAKSa başlar NEFSim
Yedi YERden SÛR Üfrülür! Yedi LETÂİF İNLErken!..

15.02.19 19:48
a k s a r a y


Gönderilme zamanı: 01 Şub 2012, 17:49
gönderen Gariban
Dominique Dubrule: No volition...total submission...absolute attraction...and the subtlelities of the seven...wailing...HUMILITY caracterise this short and powerfull poem...a lot is given,...in a way you just got what you need...merci barbaros )))))...(the translation of the key words look to me the real way to jump in thoses words of truth...

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(Çevirideki anahtar sözcükler bu sözcüklerin hakikatine girmek için gerçek bir yol gibi)