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DRY LOG by Dr.Munir Derman (K.S)

Gönderilme zamanı: 23 Tem 2009, 01:51
gönderen kulihvani
Gariban yazdı:Resim

DRY LOG by Dr.Munir Derman(K.S)

It was a morning time.
Season is summer.
I am going around a very green forest full of grass
I was reading the Surah-Er- Rahman in a low voice
All of a sudden, it happened to be as if the rain was drizzling.
Grass(herbs) got wet.
Presumably a summer rain.
It was the summer rain called Hallab or Hellabe.
Somehow I could not figure it out.
Because there was no cloud in the sky.
Grass and green trees were being seen
With their liveliness and colours.
But,what is strange, is they were crying now.
They were almost saying this by language...

There was an ayatul kareema(a verse) in Qur’an- ul- Kareem.
“W'an-najmu w'ash-Shajaru Yasjudaan"
NAJM means STAR in Arabic.
It means the jam of Nujum.
However, As Janab-i Allah(J.J) becomes manifest(Zahir, evident) with kasrat(in increase, multitude, abundance) through the language of Qur’an, NUJUM(Stars) is used as plural form of the term NAJM(Star).
In the language of Qur’an , Najm means GRASS(Herbs see the glossary below).
This is Jam’-i Salim.
What does Jam’-i Salim mean?
For instance, if we say flock now, a flock comes to our mind.
It is “Müfterid”.
When we say grass, we mean grasses, all grasses(Dr.M.Derman is using Turkish language and the term “grass” in Turkish, can also take “es”. It is plural in both ways in Turkish.)
“And the grass( or herbs) and the trees do prostrate (to Him).”
The ayatul kareema(the verse) is clear.
If it said “Al najmu wal sajaru yastijaan” .
They prostrate too.
There is no doubt that it is physically true, yes.
“And” is “Wal” in Arabic.
It was a morning time.
Season is summer.
I am going around a very green forest full of grass
I was reading the Surah-Er- Rahman in a low voice
All of a sudden, it happened to be as if the rain was drizzling.
Grass(herbs) got wet.
Presumably a summer rain.
It was the summer rain called Hallab or Hellabe.
Somehow I could not figure it out.
Because there was no cloud in the sky.
Grass and green trees were being seen
With their liveliness and colours.
But,what is strange, is they were crying now.
They were almost saying this by language...
That is a sound.
But it can not be heard by ear.
What kind of word is this!.
Yes it is.
True word is this.
Do you not believe in that ayat(verse)?

“W'an-najmu w'ash-Shajaru Yasjudaan"
“And the grass( or herbs) and the trees do prostrate (to Him).”
“yusabbihu lahu ma fiyssamavati wal'arda. Wa huval''aziyzulhaqeeymu.”
“All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifieth Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.”
But you are not being able to see and hear those.
I asked at the green trees:
“Why are you crying? You are happy as well! ”
“We are happy because Allah made it our allotted share(naseeb) from azal that we would be at the state of constant thankfulness(shukur) and supplication(niyaz).!

You have been curious about why we are crying.
Tears don’t only come from that eye.
There are such eyes that they are bone-dry.
Tears come from the one who gets his allotted share(naseeb) from the name of Haqq, Er-Raheem.
That is why there is nothing cleaner and more acceptable than tears in the presence of ALLAH.
Because, there is no cheating and lie in tears, as they get strained through the channel of Er-Raheem of Haqq.
It is hidden to know Haqq, truly and without shirk.
We can not say why we are crying.
Ask this to our friend who is lying dessicated on the floor over there” they said.

“This is a dry and smal tree! Cut before! ” I said.
“Yes that is true!
But There are DEADones that they are forever ALIVE. There are ones who seem to be ALIVE and they are true DEADones.
You go and ask, you will see!” they said.
I crouched down beside the log.

“Why are they crying my brother that is one of HAQQ’s creation!” I said(to log).
The log: “They saw me like this and they are crying in case their end would become like this!” it said.
“In fact, It seems to be that I am dead and dessicated.
I have not died.
I changed my mould.
I will change to many more moulds ! “ it said.
“I will tell you why they are crying in a while, listen!” It said.
Dry log is telling:
“Why are the sappy ones are crying!”
I crouched down.
“Lean on me. I would be happy, if you do!” it said.
I leaned on the log.
“Once upon a time, they uprooted me by axe when I was sleeping in this green forest!”
“Uprooted ?”
“Broke my branches.
Stripped my leaves off.
They named me as “CHUMP”.
They digged out our grandfathers from the earth.
Called them”COAL”.
They burned me.
Called my name,”FIRE”.
In fact, how evil/wrong(Zulm) it is to cutt sappy trees(young green trees,
To throw them in to fire,
To crush the leaves and the flowers.
This is evident with the hadith of Rasulullah.
Allah does not like the wrong-doers(zalimiyn)
Because He Himself is not a wrong-doer(Zaliym), He is merciful(Rahiym) and full of pity(Rauf)!
There are advantages within us for the people but they never know.
Janab-i Haqq brings down the rain from the heaven as a courtesy to us.
It is we who always clean the air getting in your lungs.
HAQQ states our tasbeeh and constant zikr in His words(Kelamullah).
You don’t know this..
If you could know our truth,
And see our SAJDAs(prostrations).
You would go crazy!
Despite being like that, we stay mute to all torments.
We do not make any Baddua(cursing or damnation) as well.
They trample us,
Axe us,
Burn us.
We don’t even utter any sound.
There is no other creature like us being mute to HAQQ(not complaining to HAQQ or being very obedient and no rebellious to HAQQ) .
They do not know our limitless patience(SABR).
Inspite of us being silent, They hold us in contempt amongst themselves.
They use us in contexts such as
“Man like a CHUMP!”
“Senseless man! “
“Rough man!”
“Blunt man!”
But those titles belong to their states.
They don’t belong to us.

Sometimes we are entering in to people.
That is why they are calling us ADAM.
There you go , they are crying to that strange thing, my friends.

It is the WATER having most influence over HAQQ amongst the creation.
Because Janab-i Haqq created everything from the WATER.
But, He has not stated what he created the WATER from.
He did not teach our language to you so that we would not reveal the secret(SIRR)” they said.
But we understand you, whatever language that you talk.
Because we know the language of ALLAH.

In the verse( ayat),“yusebbihu lehu ma fiyssamawati wal''ardi”
What ever is in the earth(ardh) and heaven(samawat) is doing tanzih and tasbih to Allah.

So their language is that.
The tree said “That is why we can understand the language of the one doing tasbeeh to HAQQ, without needing sound and word.
We understand that you are not like every one.
You do not cut a tree.
You do not break a branch.
You do not pluck a flower.
You do not throw anything wet in to fire.
Did you See how we know it?..”

Straightened up and
Walked a bit.
I was about to finish reciting Surah Ar-Rahman.
I was reciting it soundly.
I swear by HAQQ(making Kasam to HAQQ) that I had dizzy.
I was going to fall down!
I saw the trees there doing SAJDA , towards the KIBLAH.
This is not a dream to me.
You can call this a dream.
But I saw it, and again I swear by ALLAH that I saw it!
I am not a Valiullah!
I kiss the sole of a Valiullah!
But, I am a slave(servant, abd) too.
(ALLAH) made it my allotted share(Naseeb) and I saw it!
I am not claiming any thing!
But that was what I saw.
Allah knows best!
I swear that you can see the tree prostrating(doing sajda)to Allah.
If we are able to see eachother doing SAJDA , we can see the tree’s one too...

وَالنَّجْمُ وَالشَّجَرُ يَسْجُدَانِ
“W’an-najmu w’ash –shajaru yasjudaan: And the herbs and the trees both (alike) bow in adoration.” ( Rahman 55/6)

هُوَ اللَّهُ الْخَالِقُ الْبَارِئُ الْمُصَوِّرُ لَهُ الْأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى يُسَبِّحُ لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ

"Huvallahul haliqul bariyulmusawwiyru lehum''asma ulhusna yusabbihu lehu ma fiyssamawati vel''ard. Va huval''aziyzulhaqiymu: He is Allah, the Creator, the Shaper out of naught, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifieth Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise. (Haşr 59/24)

Janab-i HAQQ created every thing from WATER:

وَاللَّهُ خَلَقَ كُلَّ دَابَّةٍ مِن مَّاء فَمِنْهُم مَّن يَمْشِي عَلَى بَطْنِهِ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَمْشِي عَلَى رِجْلَيْنِ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَمْشِي عَلَى أَرْبَعٍ يَخْلُقُ اللَّهُ مَا يَشَاء إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

“WaAllahu khalaqa kulla dabbatin min main” faminhum man yamshee AAala batnihi waminhum man yamshee AAala rijlayni waminhum man yamshee AAala arbaAAin “yakhluqu Allahu ma yashao” inna Allaha AAala kulli shayin” qadeerun: And Allah has created every animal from water: of them there are some that creep on their bellies; some that walk on two legs; and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills; for verily Allah has power over all things. (Nur 24/45)

Translated by Barbaros Sert on 14th of December 2008
Dr.Munir Derman(K.S)’s voice record was used in translation work. Original Turkish version can be found in Turkish language in following link: http://www.muhammedinur.com/modules.php ... le&sid=288


Nujum: (Najm. )Stars.

Grass: ÇEMEN in Turkish language. ÇEMEN is an area covered with green short plants, herbs and grass. Green area where trees are. Type of a plant used to cover pastrami(spicy meat e.g salami).

Tanzih and Tasbeeh: Tanzih is a religious concept meaning transcendence . In islam, two opposite terms are attributed to ALLAH: tanzih and tashbih. The latter means 'nearness, closeness, accessibility'.
However, the fuller meaning of tanzih is 'declaring incomparibility', i.e. affirming Allah's transcendent distance from humanity.
The literal meaning of the word is "to declare something pure and free of something else". This definition affirms that Allah cannot be likened to anything: "Nothing is like Him." (Sura 42:11) and reinforces the fundamental, underlying Islamic belief in tawhid.
Tanzih is to declare that Janab-i HAQQ is far away from any defect, guilt or partner(sharik) Kabahati yok olduğu anlaşılmak ve onu ifade etmek.
Tasbih is to say Subhanallah.
Subhanallah ( سبحان الله) is an Arabic phrase often translated as "Glorious is Allah."

Said Mohammed bin AbeeBakr Abdulqader al-Razee, in his book "Mukhtar al-Sihah" one of the classic Arabic-wordbooks:
The meaning of subhanallah is, making Allah pure, and it is bound to its original word (sabh, meaning void) as if he said, I verily absolve Allah from all evil.

The origin for the word is sabh, voidness, or tasbeeh, making something void. So the direct literal meaning of the phrase is Allah is void... And there is a part that is unpronounced which is "void of all evil". And this is the way that it is used in the Quran. For example it says; "Subhanallah amma yasiffon - Void/Free is Allah from that (evil) which they ascribe (to Him)" and "Subhanalla amma yoshrikoon - Free is Allah from those polytheistic deeds that they do."

Gönderilme zamanı: 23 Tem 2009, 01:52
gönderen kulihvani
nur-ye yazdı:786 kardeşim teknik sorun nedeniyle gariban kardeşim ing bölümüne yerleştiremedi sabah ezanından önce kendisiyle konuştum düzenlemeleri yaptığı için foruma gönderdi. istirahata çekildiğinden uyanınca gerekli düzenlemeyi yapar İNŞAALLAH!

sizinde hizmetiniz daima daimde sınırsız olsun. Nasib böyleymiş DERMAN BABAmızın k.s ''KURU KÜTÜK'' başlıklı yazısının tekrarlanması istenmiş ne iyi yaptınız çok teşekür ederiz. Rıza bulunuz İNŞAALLAH!.

Gönderilme zamanı: 23 Tem 2009, 01:53
gönderen kulihvani
kulihvani yazdı:Resim

ZEVK 3454

Yanar Dağ gibi yürekler! Yeşil Çimen – Kuru Kütük
Ömür Kömür – AŞK ATEŞse! Hayat Kumar, Üten-Ütük
Gariban’ın Gönül Bağı! UY-Ansın cAN, UYkusundan!
SÖYLEr misin MÜNİR Hocam! Niye ağladık niye GÜLdük!..

14.12.2008 12:28
L a r a

Hakk'ın ve Hayrın Hasbî Hizmetçisi Gariban Can,

Hizmet ile dest-i Kemâl
Himmet ile dest-i Cemâl

Hepsini BUL ve YAŞA!

Muhammedi Muhabbetle Dostta Dostum...

Gönderilme zamanı: 23 Tem 2009, 01:55
gönderen kulihvani
gullale yazdı:Değerli kardeşlerim, bu tarz çalışmaları, el vermeleri, can tutmaları gördükçe aklıma nesiminin güldür gül seslenişi gelir... Kardeşimin biri ingilizce bölümünü oluşturmak için gecesini gündüze devşirmiştir ki evli çocuklu dur, iş sahibidir. Hem eşine hem evlatlarına karşı sorumlulukları vardır hem iş yerine... Onları ihmal etmeden kendisi için kalabilecek vaktini gecesini bu yola fedakarca harcamaktadır. Şahit olabildiğim, görebildiğim kadarını ifade edebilmekteyim. RABBİL ALEMİN bilmektedir tamını. Diğer yandan bakıyorum 786 nerede ne eksik gibi görünüyor orda o tamamlamak yarışında canla gönülle ki değerli bir bilim adamımız kendisi. Ülkemizin gururu olan ve inşallah insanlık için yararlı çalışmalar yapan. Nur-ye kardeşim gökte süzülen atmaca gibi, sitemizde zülf-ü yâre dokunacak birşey olmasın herşey yolunca yürüsün diye geceleri süzülmekte göğümüzde. Daha adını vesileler oldukça anıp hasbî hizmetini takdirden aciz teşekkürden aciz olduğumuz ancak ifade edeceğimiz kardeşlerimiz bulunmaktadır. HAKKın İHSAN buyurduğu aşkı, iştiyakı, rızası ile, Resulullah sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem efendimizin ;
-Ben kıyamette ümmetimin çokluğu ile övünürüm ... dediği,
O sevgilinin ,
-Ümmetî, Ümmetî... diyerek yakardığı hizmetkarlardan olmalarıdır.
Muhammedinur ailesinden olabilmek ayrıcalığını bizlere nasip eden RABBİME minnet ve hayranlığımı sunarım. Üye olan herkesin burda hizmeti söz konusudur ve susam tanesi kadar da olsa yakınlık duyup bu aileye üye olmaları bunun delilidir.
Son söz olarak niyazım odur ki, bu Kervanın içinde acizane hizmet edenlerin hizmetçiliğine kabul edileyim, ömrüm yetireyim.

Bugün ben şâhımı gördüm, çeşmi cemâli güldür gül
Gül olanın aslı güldür peygamberin nesli gül

Kurusu gül, yaşı güldür, toprağı gül, taşı güldür
Girdim şahın bahçesine, cümlesi aşı güldür gül

Asmasında gül dalları, kovanında gül balları
Ağacında gül hâlleri, servi pınarı güldür gül

Arkı akar çarkı döner, gülden değirmeni döver
Yine gülden gül öğütür, bendi ırmağı güldür gül

Gülden terâzi yaparlar, gül ile gülü tartarlar
Gül alırlar gül satarlar, çarşı pazarı güldür gül

Açıl gel ey gonca gülüm, ağlatma şeydâ bülbülün
Bu inleyen garib dilin, âh-u efgânı güldür gül

Gel hâ gel ha gül Nesîmi, geldi yine gül mevsimi
Bu feryad bülbül sesi mi, sesi feryâdı güldür gül

Gönderilme zamanı: 23 Tem 2009, 01:56
gönderen kulihvani
Gariban yazdı:Can Dostlar,
Allah razı olsun.
Güzel sözlerinizi yürekten sevgiyle okudum dostlar gözlerimi yaşarttınız. Böyle sözler ettiğinizde ne şekilde cevap verebileceğimi bilememekteyim. Sitemizde hasbi hizmette gündüz gece hizmet eden, nice kardeşlerimiz var gariban onları âcizane garibce gıpta ile izlemekte.

Yazıyı ingilizce kısmına yüklemeyi başardık hamdolsun.


Selam sevgi ve Muhammedi Kardeşlikle

Gönderilme zamanı: 23 Tem 2009, 06:45
gönderen MINA

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