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Gönderilme zamanı: 07 Şub 2012, 15:23
gönderen Gariban

وَيْلٌ لِّكُلِّ هُمَزَةٍ لُّمَزَةٍ
1. Woe unto every slandering traducer,

الَّذِي جَمَعَ مَالًا وَعَدَّدَهُ
2. Who hath gathered wealth (of this world) and arranged it.

يَحْسَبُ أَنَّ مَالَهُ أَخْلَدَهُ
3. He thinketh that his wealth will render him immortal.
[Qur’an, Chapter Al-Humaza, (104/3) ]


Dr.Munir Derman (k.s) was mentioning in one of his voice recordings. There is a friend of Allah, “Haji Bayram-i Wali (k.s)” who lived in Anatolia (1352- 1430 AD). His tomb is in Ankara in the capital city of Turkey. There are three Haji-Walis in Anatolia:

1. Haji Baktashi Wali (k.s).
2.Haji Bayram-i Wali (k.s) and
3.Haji Shaban-i Wali (k.s).

Those three have explained their statuses as wali. It is narrated that the governer’s son wanted to mock Haji Bayram-i Wali (k.s) and defame him by preparing a set up. He said to his friends: “I will lie in this coffin. You will go to Haji Bayram-i Wali, and say to him that I had died and you will ask if he could be the Imam to lead my funeral prayer. After the prayer, I will jump out of the coffin and we will all laugh at him and defame him in that way.”

His friends went to Haji Bayram-i Wali and said to him the governer’s son died and they wish him to lead the funeral prayer in the mosque.
Haji Bayram-i Wali Baba comes in front of the coffin to lead the prayer and gets prepared to make intention (niyyat) then he turns back to the friends of the Governer’s son and says “Shall we do the prayer by the intention (niyyat) that the one in the coffin is an alive person or a dead person?..”

They say “Are you joking with us Oh Haji Bayram-i Wali (k.s). It is a funeral prayer, surely we shall pray by the intention that he is dead.”

Haji Bayram-i Wali says : OK. We shall make the intention accordingly then.

They finish the funeral prayer and Haji Bayram-i Wali walks away but the governor’s son does not jump out of the coffin. They keep giving signal to him but no one comes out of the coffin to mock. When they check the coffin, they find him dead!..

As Salam and Love
